We are excited to announce the recent award of the Missile Defense Agency Sea-based X-band (SBX) Radar Contract to Victory Solutions as prime contractor with subcontractors ManTech and Noetic Strategies, Inc. “As a Women Owned Small Business serving as a SBX subcontractor for the last 6 years, I appreciate the opportunity to support MDA’s SBX now as the Prime Contractor”, said Kris McGuire, CEO of Victory Solutions.
David Alan Smith, kris mcguire and Lee Ann Hunt, CPCM had the opportunity to attend the National Contract Management Association (NCMA) San Gabriel Valley Chapter dinner event last week featuring Dr. Laurie Leshin, Director of the NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory. Dr. Leshin provided an informative status of the exciting programs and projects going on at JPL to further NASA's space exploration goals. Enjoyed sharing a table with MORI Associates CEO Shanaz Amirjafari, President Daniel Deans and senior management.
The Catalyst Center for Business & Entrepreneurship does a great job promoting programs to foster small businesses’ success! Victory Solutions served as a sponsor for the recent Doing Business with NASA MSFC event hosted by the Catalyst Center. Small businesses from across the country attended to learn more about doing business with the NASA Marshall Space Flight Center and upcoming contracting opportunities. As an MSFC small business prime, Victory Solutions' Marcus Craig, Pete Rodriguez and Lee Ann Hunt were happy to share their knowledge and experience with participants. Lee Ann Hunt, CPCM, our Senior VP of Business Administration and past chair of the MSFC SBELT: Small Business Executive Leadership Team, introduced the MSFC Small Business Program/Acquisition Update guest speaker, David Brock, MSFC Small Business Specialist.
#smallbusinesssuccess #huntsvilleal #businessopportunities #aerospaceindustry #womanowned #sdvosb #victorysolutions
Huntsville, AL — The National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) has awarded the Consolidated Program Support Services (CPSS) Configuration and Data Management (CDM) contract to Victory Solutions Inc. of Huntsville, Alabama, to provide CDM services at 10 NASA Centers including Huntsville's Marshall Space Flight Center.
As a Service-Disabled Veteran-Owned (SDVO) and Woman-Owned Small Business (WOSB), Victory Solutions is a multiple award-winning company specializing in building relationships with defense and commercial customers to develop, analyze, and integrate advanced aerospace systems. With this contract's award, the potential mission services value is $96.5 million and a maximum potential IDIQ value of $169 million over eight years.
"Victory Solutions is pleased to receive this latest contract as we work to provide solutions to the complex, and ever-changing, problems across the aerospace, defense, and technical engineering industries. This award is not only a reflection of the capabilities of our advanced teams, but also a reflection of our commitment to developing the skills of our employees, building effective teams, and forging partnerships with our customers to identify and solve their problems." - Kris McGuire, Founder/CEO, Victory Solutions.
Victory Solutions will be responsible for providing configuration and data management support to include planning, coordination, technical management, execution, and surveillance for programs, projects, and organizations with directorates and offices that exercise responsibility for their hardware and software products.
For more information, please contact David Alan Smith at davidalan.smith@v-s-inc.com.
Victory Solutions, Inc.’s VP – Business Administration, Lee Ann Hunt was recently chosen for the National Outstanding Chapter Volunteer Award by the National Contract Management Association (NCMA). The award was made due to her exemplary performance and volunteerism as an NCMA member. Victory Solutions offers our sincere Congratulations to Ms. Lee Ann Hunt!
Victory Solutions, Inc. has been recognized as Supplier of the Year in the Support & Services category by The Boeing Company. Victory Solutions, Inc. was one of 13 companies honored on April 12, 2017 for distinguished performance in working with Boeing.
In January, Victory Solutions, Inc. was notified that it was one of 480 companies to receive the Boeing Performance Excellence Award which rewards performance excellence. Achieving the Supplier of the Year designation further acknowledges superior performance and labels this class of winners as best of the best.
This year’s recipients represent an elite group among more than 13,000 active Boeing suppliers in nearly 48 countries around the world. This selection was based on stringent performance criteria for quality performance, delivery performance, cost, environmental initiatives, customer service and technical expertise.
Victory Solutions, Inc. provides asset management and scheduling across the day-to-day Ground-based Midcourse Defense (GMD) operations, maintenance, upgrades, and test ensuring that these activities occur efficiently and effectively to best meet Missile Defense Agency requirements and ensure that defense of the homeland mission is provided 365 days per year.
“Boeing’s success is a testament to the partnerships we hold with the finest aerospace suppliers in the world such as Victory Solutions,” said Kent Fisher, Boeing’s leader for enterprise Supplier Management. “Together we will continue to deliver affordable, technologically advanced products and services that give our customers a competitive edge.”
“We are extremely grateful to our Boeing customer and our wonderful employees for making this award possible.” – Kris McGuire, CEO
Contact: Chris Simpson, 256-895-2867
Victory Solutions, Inc. (VSI) was recognized on 23 June 2016 for superior performance under the ESSSA contract supporting Jacobs at NASA Marshall Space Flight Center. This recognition by our customer is a direct result of VSI personnel and their stellar professional support to both NASA and Jacobs. This was the inaugural Jacobs Supplier Recognition Award ceremony and we are grateful to our Jacobs customer for this honor.
Huntsville, Alabama, February 28, 2015 - Victory Solutions, Inc. today announced that it has received a 2015 Boeing Performance Excellence Award. The Boeing Company issues the award annually to recognize suppliers who have achieved superior performance. Victory Solutions, Inc. maintained a Gold composite performance rating for each month of the 12-month performance period from October 1, 2014 to September 30, 2015.
This year, Boeing recognized 530 suppliers who achieved either a Gold or Silver level Boeing Performance Excellence Award. Victory Solutions, Inc. is one of only 107 Gold Suppliers to receive the Gold Level of recognition.
Huntsville, Alabama, July 7, 2015 - Victory Solutions, Inc. today announced that it has received a 2014 Boeing Performance Excellence Award. The Boeing Company issues the award annually to recognize suppliers who have achieved superior performance. Victory Solutions, Inc. maintained a Gold composite performance rating for each month of the 12 month performance period, from Oct. 1, 2013 to Sept. 30, 2014.
This year, Boeing recognized 548 suppliers who achieved either a Gold or Silver level Boeing Performance Excellence Award. Victory Solutions, Inc. is one of the 119 suppliers to receive the Gold level of recognition.